My Dream Into Reality  

Posted by Unknown

Am-er-i-can Dream:
the traditional social ideals of the US, such as equality, democracy, and material prosperity.
The definitions of the American Dream is as broad and varied as the country itself. But I think the above definition does a great job of encompassing the entirety of those ideals.
To this end, I have found that the 9-5 jobs we are encouraged to take out student loans to qualify for simply does not provide this standard of living which we should - and could - demand. I spent seven years running my own business and a combined six years working for 'The Man' and, I gotta tell you, there is no equality or democracy in your standard work environment. Occasionally, we can get lucky and find the material prosperity concept; however, it's often accompanied by a ton of student debt and financial insecurity due to incorrect managing of our personal wealth.
As a single mom without a college degree, I recognize that the odds are stacked against me. Still, even without those papers tying me to a husband or an institution, I believe firmly in the spirit of industry which initially drove this country to greatness even from the depths of disparity.
What I'm trying to say is, even though I currently work at one of those 9-5's, I've decided to develop my own recipe for taking my fate into my own hands and work from home with my own - legit! - business. Because MY American Dream is having the ability to support my family, providing for them the basics and, yes, a few luxuries in life, without spending all of my time in someone else's office. I want to send my children off to school AND be there to welcome them home. I want to see my bank account grow based on my own efforts - not simply due to "time served". Most importantly, I want to feel that what I do is really something to be proud of. I recognize that many people are content retiring with pensions. I never want to retire. Or, in another sense, forever be retired.
So, I'm setting myself a timeline, and putting this blog out there journaling my efforts - two things which I believe will motivate me to accomplishing my goal. Because, on January 1, 2015, I will quit my 9-5 job and work from home full time in any and every capacity available to me.
I will be posting my initial business plan for this transition within the next few days. Then, I will take you on a journey to show you how I intend to (and hopefully succeed in!) create my own American Dream. May my risk be your reward.

This entry was posted on Wednesday, October 1, 2014 at 10:00 AM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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