eBay Experiments - Shoes & Lockets  

Posted by Unknown

Up until now, I've been selling mostly textbooks on eBay, as well as a few non-fiction books here and there. The problem, I've found, is that textbooks only do very well around the beginning of a semester. To sell them beyond that would be to sell them far below their fair value. The solution, then, is to branch out into more consistently popular items, while still staying within the boundaries of something I already know a little about.

Last week, I stumbled upon some very cute Juicy Couture ballet flats in a thrift store for $4.95. Two days after I listed them on eBay, I received a bid for $49.99! I take that as a sign, and have since been hunting name brand shoes and scheduling them to post.

You can view my eBay listings HERE to find out how well these items are doing.

I have a theory that, the closer it gets to Christmas, the more people are going to be buying "not-necessary" items. Which leads me to another idea: Living Lockets.

As you may know, I currently work in a doctor's office. One of the nurses came to work on Monday with a cute little Origami Owl® living locket necklace she'd gotten at a craft fair. These are becoming rather popular, so I started asking questions.

Turns out, each one of those locket charms retail for $3. This morning, I found a couple auctions for lots of them at stealth prices - 25 for $5, for example. What happens when I list them for $2? Another experiment has taken hold!

I'll keep you posted as these items make their way through my eBay rounds.

This entry was posted on Friday, October 3, 2014 at 10:00 AM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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